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AGR-GPS obligation in case of neighbourhood program postponed to August 1


In order to better control the amount of manure transported to areas with poor water quality, suppliers or buyers of manure must use an AGR-GPS application from 1 August if they transport animal manure under a neighbourhood agreement. This is a new MAP6 measure. The measure was delayed by one month because the implementation of the application took longer than originally planned.

How does the AGR-GPS application work?

In the AGR-GPS application, the user indicates when manure is loaded, when it is unloaded and when manure transport is complete. This way, the manure bank can keep a close eye on the transport.

In which Neighbourhood Programs should an AGR-GPS application be used?
The AGR-GPS application must be used when transporting animal manure with a neighbourhood arrangement to :
- all the purchaser's agricultural parcels which are of area type 2 or area type 3
- manure storage of the customer's manure with agricultural plots of type 2 or type 3


Who should use the AGR-GPS application?

Whoever is transporting the manure, i.e. always the supplier or buyer of the manure, must use the AGR-GPS application. The supplier and the buyer of the neighbouring scheme must therefore agree on who will transport the manure and therefore use the application.

What is the link between the measure "compulsory use of an approved manure transporter from 1 August" and the "AGR-GPS obligation in the case of neighbouring schemes"?

The new AGR-GPS obligation in the case of a neighbourhood settlement does not affect the rule that, each year from 1 August onwards, any transport of manure to a Type 2 or Type 3 field must be carried out by an approved operator, except for the transport of manure to a field of grassland or permanent crops. Therefore, if transportation is to be carried out by an approved manure feeding facility, a neighbourhood arrangement is not possible.

On, in the FAQ section on MAP 6, you will find the answer to the following question: what is the difference between the area-based measure "compulsory use of an approved manure spreader from 1 August" and the AGR-GPS obligation in neighbouring schemes?


GPS service providers: AGR-GPS application providers

If you are required to use an AGR-GPS application, you can purchase it from a GPS service provider. 
Anyone wishing to use the AGR-GPS application will soon be able to apply for an AGR number at the manure bank counter. The service provider needs this number to program the AGR-GPS application.

More information about the AGR-GPS application

You can find more information about the AGR-GPS obligation for neighbourhood regulation at > Topics > Manure bank > Fertilisation > Transport > AGR-GPS for neighbourhood regulation.